The corporate image of a company can not be considered only as a logo or a beautiful symbol, it's a whole suite of applications that allows you to stream the real personality of the company to consumers and the market.
For us, the construction of a good corporate image must go beyond a uniqueness in form, for it must also provide functionality, besides allowing the proposed values of the image to be transmitted. It will always be developed according to the values and objectives raised with the client, and should predict all sorts of applications and formats.
Institutional forms, catalogs, fleet signage, ads and promotional pieces, product identiy are some of the key parts in the creation of a unique identity, coherent with the organization's culture.
A Tecnodesign may develop or manage your company corporate identity, and design for your clients the real value of your image.
Nowadays the variety of devices with interactive interfaces is amazing. The resources available on these devices go far beyond traditional personal computers: mobility, touch and gesture interaction, geolocalization — and thus enable the creation of new products and business models.
The design of websites, applications and presentations should also consider every possible access device, and provide them the features that exploit the potential of these devices.
Tecnodesign has developed websites and applications accessible by smartphones and tablets, as well as applications for these platforms and interactive displays for events and museums. Contact us to learn how to project your presence and develop new products with design and technology.
The constant technological evolution and improvement are the two of Tecnodesign's greatest attributes. Our main strategic objective is the development and maintenance of our solutions as potential new products.
In our methodology, all solutions are developed in a flexible and configurable way, in accordance with our customer needs. They also have independent development cycles, enabling the continuous improvement of the solutions even after project completion, keeping your applications updated and reliable in the short, medium and long terms.
IT solutions developed by Tecnodesign aim at practicality and the workflow of our clients' business models, always adding the design as an additional value to the final result. We don't work until the solutions are released, Tecnodesign will always be available to offer support, upgrades and new solutions to all its customers.
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